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YeLLoW CoLouR sToRieS

The awareness of our spirituality. Happiness and wisdom combine with clarity and acknowledgement of our intuition - inner vision- the connection to the energy of the suns rays.
If we have clarity our intellect is given space to explore the inner invisible universe.
When we need inspiration and inner knowing, joining and becoming one with the suns energy. Renewal.
Becoming independent as an individual. The divine energy radiating to every being, granting clarity, wisdom, understanding and above all, happiness. The sunshine colour when everyone feels alive and ready to take on the world.
This energy relates to our inner knowing and understanding and self knowledge.
As this is such a major colour and has such a great part to play in our being, the slightest difficulty can throw our being off balance. Yellow relates to nervousness, fears and anxieties and all related nervous conditions.
Dependency issues are also relevant, either as being dependant or by others being dependent on you.
Unresolved difficulties from earlier in our life can course problems, the need to let go of negative emotions and situations and the past.
As one feels at odds within, confusion makes us go around in circles, getting nowhere.
The yellow energy relates to the solar plexus area of the body.


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