Clock Today

Sungai Kuning (Yellow River)


Sungai Kuning (Hanzi: hanyu pinyin: Huanghe , Wade-Giles: Hwangho, bahasa Inggris: Yellow River) adalah sungai yang penting di Republik Rakyat Cina Utara yang menjadi pusat kebudayaan Cina bersama-sama dengan Sungai Panjang (Yangtze) di selatan.

Dengan panjang 5.464 km, sungai ini merupakan sungai terpanjang kedua di Tiongkok setelah Sungai Panjang.


Sejarah tertua di Cina dimulai dari muara Sungai Kuning (Hwang-Ho, sekarang bernama Huang-He). Tetapi di Cina terdapat dua sungai besar, yaitu Sungai Hwang-Ho dan Yang Tse Kiang (Sekarang bernama Chang Jiang).

Letak Geografis

            Sungai Kuning atau Hwang-Ho bersumber di daerah pegunungan Kwen-Lun di Tibet. Setelah melalui daerah pengunungan Cina Utara, sungai panjang yang membawa lumpur kuning itu membentuk dataran rendah Cina dan bermuara di Teluk Tsii-Li di Laut Kuning. Sedang di dataran tinggi sebelah selatan mengalir Sungai Yang Tse Kiang yang berhulu di Pegunungan Kwen-Lun (Tibet) dan bermuara di Laut Cina Timur.


            Pada daerah yang subur itu masyarakat Cina hidup bercocok tanam seperti menanam gandum, padi, teh, jagung dan kedelai. Pertanian Cina kuno sudah dikenal sejak zaman Neolitikum, yakni sekitar tahun 5000 SM. Kemudian pada masa pemerintahan Dinasti Chin (221-206 SM) terjadi kemajuan yang mencolok dalam sistem pertanian. Pada masa ini pertanian sudah diusahakan secara intensif. Pupuk sudah dikenal untuk menyuburkan tanah. Kemudian penggarapan lahan dilakukan secara teratur agar kesuburan tanah dapat bertahan. Irigasi sudah tertata dengan baik. Pada masa ini lahan gandum sudah diusahakan secara luas.


            Bumi Cina mengandung berbagai barang tambang seperti batu bara, besi, timah, wolfram, emas dan tembaga, yang sebagian besar terdapat di daerah Yunan. Pembuatan barang-barang seperti perhiasan, perabotan rumah tangga, alat-alat senjata seperti pisau, pedang, tombak, cangkul, sabit dan lain-lain, menunjukan tingginya tingkat perkembangan teknologi masyarakat Cina pada saat itu.

Aksara dan Bahasa

            Masyarakat Cina sudah mengenal tulisan, yaitu tulisan gambar. Tulisan gambar itu merupakan sebuah lambang dari apa yang hendak ditunjukkan. Tulisan itu merupakan salah satu sarana komunikasi. Untuk memupuk rasa persatuan dan rasa persaudaraan, pada permulaan abad ke-20 dikembangkan pemakaian bahasa persatuan, yaitu bahasa Kuo-Yu.


Dalam perjalan sejarahnya, ada dua macam sistem pemerintahan yang pernah dianut dalam kehidupan kenegaraan Cina kuno, yaitu:
  • Sistem Pemerintahan Feodal, dalam masa pemerintahan ini, kaisar tidak menangani langsung urusan kenegaraan. Kondisi ini berlatar belakang bahwa kedudukan kaisar bersifat sakral. Kaisar dihormati sebagai utusan atau bahkan anak dewa langit, sehingga tidak layak mengurusi politik praktis.
  • Sistem Pemerintahan Unitaris, kaisar berkuasa mutlak dalam memerintah. Kekuasaan negara berpusat di tangan kaisar, sehingga kaisar campur tangan dalam segala urusan politik praktis.

Dinasti  yang Berkuasa
  1. Dinasti pertama yang berkuasa di Cina adalah dinasti Syang (Hsia). Berdasarkan cerita rakyat Cina, pada zaman dinasti Syang telah berkembang sistim kepercayaan memuja para dewa. Dewa tertinggi yang bernama Dewa Shang-Ti. Dinasti Syang berakhir sekitar tahun 1766 SM dan digantikan oleh dinasti Yin (1700-1027 SM).
  2. Dinasti Chou adalah dinasti ketiga yang berkuasa di Cina.  Pada zaman kekuasaan dinasti Chou ini muncul tokoh-tokoh filsafat yang memiliki peranan penting dalam perkembangan kehidupan rakyat Cina hingga kini, seperti Lao Tse dan Kong Fu Tse.

Dinasti ini didirikan oleh raja Cheng yang bergelar Shih Huang Ti.

Sungai Kuning merupakan sungai ibunda bagi bangsa China. Disebabkan iklim global semakin panas, pada beberapa tahun yang lalu, keadaan resapan air dan hakisan tanah semakin teruk di kawasan punca Sungai Kuning, kemerosotan padang rumput, kepupusan tumbuh-tumbuhan mengakibatkan resapan air dan hakisan tanah menjadi lebih serius, jumlah air dari punca Sungai Kuning semakin kurang dan sistem ekologi semakin teruk. Akan tetapi, ekologi punca Sungai Kuning mula dipulih baik.

Melalui usaha selama lebih tiga tahun, kadar litupan tumbuh-tumbuhan di kawasan punca Sungai Kuning telah meningkat, jumlah air di sungai dan tasik bertumbuh dan sistem ekologi akhirnya pulih.

Sejak tahun 1980-an, di hulu Sungai Kuning, air sungai itu menjadi kering selama beberapa bulan setiap tahun. Jumlah aliran air purata setiap tahun berkurang 22.7%. beberapa tasik di kawasan hulu Sungai Kuning telah menjadi kering.

Kaunti Maduo Provinsi Qinghai di barat laut China merupakan punca Sungai Kuning. Pada masa dahulu terdapat sebanyak lebih 4000 tasik di sana. Pada Julai tahun 2004, wartawan yang mengambil liputan di kaunti tersebut mendapati bahawa 90% tasik di sana telah menjadi kering, padang rumput yang luas di sana telah menjadi tanah tandus.

Baru-baru ini, wartawan sekali lagi pergi ke padang rumput di Kaunti Maduo dan mendapati lebih 30 ekor keldai liar Tibet dan antelop Tibet. Antaranya, 5 ekor keldai liar Tibet sedang makan rumput di tempat yang hanya sejauh 200 meter daripada rumah menggembala. Selain itu, burung liar sedang bersantai di tasik.

Pegawai yang bertanggung jawab atas urusan hidrologi kaunti Maduo Jawatankuasa Sumber Air Sungai Kuning Liang Haiqing memberitahu wartawan bahawa data pengukuran telah menunjukkan bahawa jumlah turun hujan di kawasan punca Sungai Kuning mula bertumbuh, paras air Sungai Kuning mula naik tinggi.

Pada masa ini, disebabkan jumalah air Sungai Kuning tidak cukup, stesen penjanaan elektrik Heyuan di Kaunti Maduo terpaksa menghentikan penjanaan elektrik sejak Januari tahun 2003. Seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah air Sungai Kuning, stesen tersebut beroperasi pula.

Wartawan dimaklumkan bahawa tasik yang kering di kawasan tersebut juga telah menakung air pula, tasik yang menakung air itu telah mencatat lebih 3800.

Naib Ketua Kaunti Maduo ZhaLuo berkata bahawa sejak tahun 2003, kerajaan kaunti itu mula melaksanakan dasar menghentikan penggembalaan supaya padang rumput dipulihkan, melindungi ekologi di kawasan punca tiga sungai, memindahkan penghuni, membenihkan awan untuk membuat hujan buatan dan lain-lain, dengan berbuat demikian, keadaan ekologi kaunti Maduo mula dipulih baik.

Wartawan dimaklumkan dari Jabatan Pengukuran China bahawa projek pengawasan penderiaan jauh terhadap keadaan ekologi di kawasan punca tiga sungai China telah beroperasi di bandar Xining Provinsi Qinghai baru-baru ini.

Pegawai berkenaan Jabatan Pengukuran China memaklumkan bahawa projek tersebut akan menjadi platform amaran awal dan pengawasan yang bersepadu selain pengawasan bencana alam dan pengawasan persekitaran.

Sumber alam adalah amat penting bagi kehidupan setiap orang. Perlindungan alam sekitar merupakan tanggungjawab setiap orang di seluruh dunia.

Sejarah peradaban & kebudayaan ras kuning?

Bagaimana keterkaitan budaya China,Korea,Jepang...yg sekarang begitu maju pesat perekonomian & menjadi negara terkemuka,dan bangsa bangsa tsb terutama Jepang & korea sangat dihargai Etos kerja,displin & budayanya bahkan oleh orang orang barat sekalipun?
satu ajaran paling penting:
  • "konfusianisme"
satu orang paling penting:
  • "konfusius"
karena keduanya itulah, bangsa2 ras kuning bisa menjadi bangsa2 yang punya etika dan kesadaran disiplin, etos kerja yang tinggi, dan sukses di kancah internasional.
Mengenai budaya oriental yang mirip satu sama lain, itu karena peradaban pertama di asia timur mulai muncul di sungai kuning sekitar 7000 tahun silam, dengan adanya desa-desa dan kota-kota kecil pertama. di situ, budaya oriental mulai dibentuk, terutama oleh kondisi lingkungan dan iklimnya.
Ketika daerah mulai sesak, banyak dari penduduknya yang merantau ke timur. mereka mengkolonisasi daerah semenanjung korea. di situ, mereka mendirikan negara2 kecil yang pada akhirnya dipersatukan oleh raja Dagun Wangom, menjadi bangsa korea.
Lebih lama lagi, ada beberapa peperangan baik di korea maupun di daratan china, sehingga banyak pengungsi merantau ke timur melewati lautan. mereka menemukan wilayah kepulauan yang akhirnya kita tahu kalau itu adalah jepang. gelombang paling besar dari wilayah china daratan ke jepang adalah setelah dinasti tang runtuh (menjelaskan mengapa logo bunga krisan dari dinasti tang dipakai di jepang sebagai logo kekaisaran).
Sebelum mereka datang ke jepang, sudah ada org2 sebelumnya yang menempati jepang, namanya suku ainu. suku ini memang tidak ada hubungannya dengan budaya oriental yang tumbuh di sungai kuning, karena sudah bermigrasi ke jepang jauh sebelum org2 dari asia tengah menetap di sungai kuning (org2 yang menjadi cikal bakal budaya dan bangsa oriental).
Ketika orang-orang dari daratan korea dan china datang ke jepang, mereka melakukan hal yang sama terhadap suku ainu dibandingkan dengan para koboi di amerika terhadap kaum indian.

Manfaat Sayur dan Buah Kuning

Buah warna kuning

BUAH dan sayuran dengan warna-warna yang menggoda tak hanya enak dijadikan camilan sehat. Namun, warna-warma buah pun memiliki kandungan penting untuk kesehatan. Apa saja?

Contohnya belimbing, nanas, dan pisang. Buah berwarna kuning kaya akan kalium, unsur nutrisi yang sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah stroke dan jantung koroner. Sedangkan jenis sayuran yang berwarna kuning diyakini ampuh memerangi katarak, serangan jantung, dan stroke.

Sayur Kuning Kaya Manfaat

SAYURAN bulat yang ratarata berukuran besar ini merupakan tanaman merambat yang tidak hanya lezat dibuat kudapan, juga kaya manfaat.

Ya, labu kuning?atau banyak yang menyebutnya waluh? merupakan bahan pangan yang kaya vitamin A dan C, mineral, serta karbohidrat. Daging buahnya juga mengandung antioksidan sebagai penangkal pelbagai jenis kanker.

Nutrisi yang dikandungnya menjadikan labu kuning berkhasiat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Betakaroten yang dikandung labu kuning berperan mencegah serangan jantung. Sementara, kandungan vitamin B1, C, dan seratnya berperan sebagai pencegah penyakit jantung dan stroke. Manfaat lain labu kuning adalah mengobati demam, migrain, diare, penyakit ginjal, serta membantu menyembuhkan radang.

Di samping itu, kandungan lemak labu kuning juga rendah sehingga Anda tak perlu takut mengalami kegemukan asal dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang wajar. Sesuai namanya, labu kuning mempunyai warna kuning atau jingga akibat kandungan karotenoidnya yang sangat tinggi.

Itulah sebabnya air perasan labu kuning sering digunakan sebagai pewarna alami dalam pengolahan berbagai makanan tradisional. Buah atau sayur labu dapat digunakan untuk pelbagai jenis makanan dan cita rasanya enak.

Daunnya berfungsi sebagai sayur dan bijinya bermanfaat untuk dijadikan kuaci. Air buahnya berguna sebagai penawar racun binatang berbisa, sementara bijinya menjadi obat cacing pita.

Herbal treatment for Yellow fever

Yellow fever is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito which is carrying the virus. Incidentally it happens to be a flavivirus disease. This disease is prevalent in the south of America and the Sahara. Everyone is susceptible to this ailment; however, it is more rampant in elderly people; the symptoms take time to show their effects; perhaps a week. The symptoms may include: “Arrhythmias, Heart dysfunction, Coma, less urination, Delirium, Fever, Headache, Jaundice, Muscle aches (Myalgia), Red eyes, face, tongue, Seizures, Vomiting and Vomiting blood”. If treated incorrectly chemically the results could be fatal. However, herbal treatment to cure yellow fever is the safest way out; as it has no side effects and is cost effective.

One of the best herbal treatments for yellow fever is Cinchona officinalis bark. 60Gms should be boiled in half a litre of water. After straining and cooling; drink 20ml three times a day for 10 days. The symptoms of yellow fever would be resolved. Another potent herbal treatment for yellow fever is Irvingia gabonensis bark. The methodology of using g it is the same as Cinchona officinalis bark. However, the treatment would last only for a week. Nonetheless, you need to make certain that the seeds are pulverized


Hampir pada semua upacara adat/peristiwa yang istimewa, masyarakat Jawa selalu menyertakan Nasi Kuning komplit.

Resep Bahan Nasi Kuning :
  • 800 gram beras, cuci, tiriskan
  • 1000 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa (buang kulit arinya)
  • 2 sdm kunyit parut
  • 2 batang serai, memarkan
  • 2 lembar daun salam
  • 1 sdm garam
  • 1 sdm air jeruk nipis

Resep Pelengkap Nasi Kuning :
  • opor ayam
  • rempah
  • abon daging
  • ketimun
  • sambal goreng kreni
  • sambal kering tempe
  • kedelai hitam goreng
  • telur dadar tipis

Cara Membuat Nasi Kuning :
  1. Kukus beras setengah matang (25 menit), sisihkan. Didihkan santan, kunyit, garam, daun salam, dan serai. Masukkan nasi setengah matang, jerang di atas api sambil diaduk hingga santan habis terserap. Beri air jeruk nipis (supaya warna kuning lebih cerah), aduk kukus hingga matang.
  2. Keledai hitam goreng : seduh 100 gram kedelai hitam dengan air mendidih, tiriskan. Setelah dingin, campurkan 1 sendok teh garam. Goreng hingga matang dan tiriskan.
  3. Telur dadar tipis : kocok 2 butir telur bersama 1 1/2 sendok makan air dan 1/4 sendok teh garam. Dadar tipis-tipis, gulung dan iris tipis.
  4. Rempah: haluskan 1/2 buah cabai merah, 1/2 sendok teh kencur cincang, 1 lembar daun jeruk purut, 1/2 sendok teh ketumbar sangrai, 1 buah bawang putih, 1 buah bawang merah, dan 1/2 sendok teh garam. Campur bumbu halus dengan 1/4 buah kelapa parut, 1 sendok makan daging cincang, dan 1/2 butir telur. Bagi adonan ini menjadi beberapa bulatan, pipihkan dan goreng hingga kecokelatan.

Selamat mencoba

Janur Kuning


Janur (dari bahasa Jawa) adalah daun muda dari beberapa jenis palma besar, terutama kelapa, enau, dan rumbia. Janur biasa dipakai sejumlah suku bangsa di Nusantara sebagai alat kehidupan sehari-hari.

Masyarakat suku Bali, Jawa, dan Sunda biasa memanfaatkan janur untuk dianyam. Teknik merangkai janur mencapai puncak estetika di Bali dan beberapa tempat di Jawa, dan bisa dilihat pada upacara-upacara keagamaan serta perkawinan. Janur yang masih terangkai pada tangkai daun diikat dengan bambu panjang, dan kemudian anyaman janur dipasang pada ujungnya dipasang di gerbang atau tepi jalan dan disebut pènjor (bahasa Bali). Di Jawa, sepasang hiasan kombinasi janur, buah-buahan, serta bunga-bungaan dipajang di tepi pelaminan pada upacara perkawinan, yang disebut kembar mayang ("mayang sepasang") sebagai simbol penyatuan dua individu dalam wadah rumah tangga. Hiasan serupa juga ditemukan dalam upacara-upacara di Bali.

Janur yang telah dipisahkan dari tangkai daun serta tulang anak daunnya dapat dianyam atau dirangkai menjadi bermacam-macam bentuk dalam seni merangkai janur. Janur juga dianyam dan dipakai untuk membungkus makanan, karena tahan panas dan kuat. Ketupat, bakcang, serta burasa adalah contoh-contohnya.

Yellow badge


The yellow badge (or yellow patch), also referred to as a Jewish badge, was a cloth patch that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments in order to mark them as Jews in public. It was intended to be a badge of shame associated with antisemitism. In both Christian and Islamic countries, persons not of the dominant religion were intermittently compelled by sumptuary laws to wear badges, hats, bells or other items of clothing that distinguished them from members of the dominant religious group. The yellow badge was revived by the German Nazis.

Muslim countries

In Muslim countries, Jews, like all non-Muslims, were treated as second class subjects. This was expressed through sumptuary laws that established what colors, clothing or hats they were permitted or not permitted to wear. The use of distinctive clothing or marks for Jewish and other religious communities has been traced by historians to ancient times. In the early Islamic period, non-Muslims were required to wear distinctive marks in public, such as metal seals fixed around their necks. Tattooing and branding of slaves and captives were widespread in the ancient world. However, Islam, like Judaism, forbids permanent skin markings. Likewise, they were not allowed to wear colors associated with Islam, particularly green. The practice of physically branding Jews and Christians appears to have been begun in early medieval Baghdad and was considered highly degrading. According to Bernard Lewis, Christians and Jews were forced to wear special emblems on their clothes. The yellow badge was first introduced by a caliph in Baghdad in the ninth century, and spread to the West in medieval times. Even in public baths, non-Muslims wore medallions suspended from cords around their necks so no one would mistake them for Muslims. Belts, headgear, shoes, armbands and/or cloth patches were also used. Under Shi'a rules, they were not even allowed to use the same baths In 1005 the Jews of Egypt were ordered to wear bells on their garments.

Apart from Jews, Hindus living under Islamic rule in India were often forced to wear yellow badges as well. During the reign of Akbar the Great, his general Husain Khan 'Tukriya' forcibly made Hindus wear discriminatory yellow badges[9] on their shoulders or sleeves.

Christian countries

In Christian countries, dress codes were also imposed on Jewish and other non-Christian residents. In Europe, the Fourth Council of the Lateran of 1215 ruled that Jews and Muslims must be distinguishable by their dress (Latin "habitus")", and the yellow badge in Europe dates from this, unlike the Jewish hat (or "Judenhut"), a cone-shaped hat, which is seen in many illustrations from before this date, and remained the key distinguishing mark of Jewish dress in the Middle Ages.[11] From the sixteenth century, the use of the Judenhut declined, but the badge tended to outlast it, surviving into the eighteenth century in places, even longer in Imperial Russia.

The identifying mark varied from one country to another, and from period to period. Apart from the hat, there were also attempts to enforce the wearing of full-length robes, which in late 14th century Rome were supposed to be red. The most common form of badge was the "rota" or "wheel", which looked like a ring, of white or yellow. The shape and color of the patch also varied, although the color was usually white or yellow. Married women were often required to wear two bands of blue on their veil or head-scarf.

Edward I of England's Statute of Jewry prescribed "the form of two Tables joined, of yellow felt of the length of six inches and of the breadth of three inches". This shape — two separate strips or two joined round-topped rectangles — was particular to England.

In Portugal a red star of David was used.

Louis IX of France ordered French Jews to wear oval rouelle, a version of the "rota". As with all sumptuary laws, enforcement of the rules was very variable; in Marseilles the magistrates ignored accusations of breaches, and in some places individuals or communities could buy exemption.

Nazi period

After the German invasion of Poland in 1939 there were initially different local decrees forcing Jews to wear a distinctive sign, during the General Government.

The sign was a white armband with a blue Star of David on it, in the Warthegau a yellow badge in the form of a Star of David on the left side of the breast and on the back. The requirement to wear the Star of David with the word Jude (German for Jew) inscribed was then extended to all Jews over the age of six in the Reich and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (by a decree issued on September 1, 1941 signed by Reinhard Heydrich[18][19]) and was gradually introduced in other German-occupied areas, where local words were used (e.g. Juif in French, Jood in Dutch).


Possible date of the Pact of Umar which stipulates that Christians (and by implication also Jews) living in Muslim lands are required to wear distinctive clothing. Although there are questions about the status of this document as a historic source, the use of distinguishing marks is consistent with documentary and archaeological evidence from seventh century and eighth century Iraq and Syria.
A decree of the Abbassid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil, reported by the tenth century historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, requires Christian and Jewish subjects to wear honey-coloured hoods and belts of a particular type. Distinguishing marks are also prescribed for their slaves.
Fatimid Caliph Al-Hakim, orders Jewish and Christian residents to wear bells on their garments and a "golden calf" (made of wood) around the neck when bathing with Muslims.
Start of less tolerant policy towards Christians and Jews by the Seljuk authorities in the Abbasid empire. Existing laws imposing distinctive dress are enforced. Non-Muslims in Baghdad are forced to wear signs on their dress.
Non-Muslims are required to wear distinctive signs on their turbans.
Abbasid Caliph Al-Muqtadi decrees that the "non-believers" had to wear yellow headgear and girdles of various colors, and a sign of lead around their necks to show they had to pay the poll-tax. Women had to wear shoes of different colors, such as one red and the other black.
A letter from Baghdad describes decrees regulating Jewish clothes: "two yellow badges, one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes."
Fourth Lateran Council headed by Pope Innocent III declares: "Jews and Saracens of both sexes in every Christian province and at all times shall be marked off in the eyes of the public from other peoples through the character of their dress."
Pope Honorius III issues a dispensation to the Jews of Castile. Spanish Jews normally wore turbans in any case, which presumably met the requirement to be distinctive.
Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton orders English Jews to wear white band, two fingers broad and four long.
Synod of Narbonne rules: "That Jews may be distinguished from others, we decree and emphatically command that in the center of the breast (of their garments) they shall wear an oval badge, the measure of one finger in width and one half a palm in height."
James I orders Jews of Aragon to wear the badge.
The Siete Partidas, a legal code enacted in Castile by Alfonso X but not implemented until many years later, includes a requirement for Jews to wear distinguishing marks.
In a special session, the Vienna city council forces Jews to wear Pileum cornutum (a cone-shaped head dress, common in medieval illustrations of Jews); the badge does not seem to have been worn in Austria.
1269 June
France. (Saint) Louis IX of France orders all Jews found in public without a badge (French: rouelle or roue, Latin: rota) to be fined ten livres of silver.[29] The enforcement of wearing the badge is repeated by local councils, with varying degrees of fines, at Arles 1234 and 1260, Béziers 1246, Albi 1254, Nîmes 1284 and 1365, Avignon 1326 and 1337, Rodez 1336, and Vanves 1368.
The Statute of Jewry in England, enacted by King Edward I, enforces the regulations. "Each Jew, after he is seven years old, shall wear a distinguishing mark on his outer garment, that is to say, in the form of two Tables joined, of yellow felt of the length of six inches and of the breadth of three inches."
1294 October
Erfurt. The earliest mention of the badge in Germany.
Emir Ismael Abu-I-Walid forces the Jews of Granada to wear the yellow badge.
Henry II of Castile forces the Jews to wear the yellow badge.
1415 May
Bull of the Avignon Pope Benedict XIII orders the Jews to wear a yellow and red badge, the men on their breast, the women on the cloth covering their forehead.
Emperor Sigismund reintroduces the badge at Augsburg.
The Council of Ten of Venice allows the newly-arrived famous physician and professor Jacob Mantino ben Samuel to wear the regular black doctors' cap instead of Jewish yellow hat for several months (subsequently made permanent), upon the recommendation of the French and English ambassadors, the papal legate, and other dignitaries numbered among his patients.
Pope Paul IV decrees, in his Cum nimis absurdum, that the Jews should wear yellow hats.
King Sigismund II passes a law that required Lithuanian Jews to wear yellow hats and head coverings. The law was abolished twenty years later.
Frederick William I of Prussia abolished the mandatory Jewish yellow patch in return for a payment of 8,000 thaler (about $75,000 worth of silver at 2007 prices) each.
The Nazi regimes in the occupied countries of Europe force Jews to wear an identifying mark under the threat of death. There are no consistent requirements as to its color and shape: it varies from a white armband to a yellow Star of David badge.
A popular legend portrays king Christian X of Denmark wearing the yellow badge on his daily morning horseback ride through the streets of Copenhagen, followed by non-Jewish Danes responding to their king's example, thus preventing the Germans from identifying Jewish citizens. Queen Margrethe II of Denmark has explained that the story was not true. No order requiring Jews to wear identifying marks was ever introduced in Denmark.
During the reign of the Islamist Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the Hindu minority in the country were forced to wear yellow badges in public to identify themselves as such. This was part of the Taliban's plan to segregate "un-Islamic" and "idolatrous" communities from Islamic ones. The decree was condemned by the Governments of the United States and India as a gross violation of religious freedom. In the United States, the chairman of the Anti-Defamation League Abraham Foxman compared the decree to the earlier practices of Nazi Germany. Widespread protests against the Taliban regime broke out in Bhopal, India. The Government of India condemned this decree as a violation of religious freedom. In the United States, congressmen and several lawmakers wore yellow badges on the floor of the Senate during the debate as a demonstration of their solidarity with the Hindu minority in Afghanistan

Pita Kuning


Sebuah pita kuning merupakan lambang dengan berbagai makna, kebanyakan berhubungan dengan orang-orang menunggu kembalinya orang yang dicintai atau pasukan militer yang sementara waktu tidak bisa pulang. Ato yang lain-lain....
Mari kita simak tulisan dibawah ini:

selama Perang Tentara Inggris maupun Parlemen Inggris mengenakan pita kuning dan selempang kuning ke medan perang.

Di Australia, kelompok the Save Albert Park telah memanfaatkan pita kuning sebagai simbol protes. Kelompok tersebut merupakan koalisi yang memprotes reklamasi ruang publik di Albert Park, Melbourne untuk Grand Prix Australia tahunan. Ketika lomba pindah ke Melbourne pada tahun 1996, pita-pita kuning yang diikatkan di pohon-pohon di taman yang ditujukan dihapus. Meskipun kelompok tersebut gagal dalam melindungi pohon-pohon yang telah ditentukan, mereka dan para pendukung mereka masih mengikat pita di sekitar pohon-pohon setiap tahun pada saat perlombaan.

Pada tahun 2009, pita kuning digunakan sebagai daya tarik bagi mereka yang terkena dampak 2009 Victoria bushfires atau Sabtu Hitam di Victoria,

Pita kuning di Denmark telah menjadi kurang lebih resmi (walaupun tidak secara langsung secara resmi didukung oleh militer Denmark) sebagai simbol untuk mendukung pasukan dalam misi.

Pita kuning digunakan sebagai simbol untuk menunjukkan solidaritas dan simpati untuk para korban kerusuhan dan kekacauan di Indonesia 13-15 Mei 1998, yang kebanyakan cina Indonesia.

Japan's Medal of Honor menggunakan pita kuning untuk mengakui profesional yang telah menjadi model peran publik.

pita kuning ini digunakan sebagai simbol "Press Freedom".

pemerintah mengadakan kampanye tahunan dengan Yellow Ribbon untuk mempromosikan mantan dan narapidana memberi kesempatan kedua di masyarakat. Biasanya, orang yang menunjukkan dukungannya bagi mantan narapidana dengan menyematkan pita kuning di kemejanya selama kampanye tahunan yang diselenggarakan pada bulan September.

Di Filipina pada 1980-an,
Pita kuning itu menjadi simbol bagi para pemimpin oposisi dan Cory Ninoy Aquino dan tahun 1986 sebagai Revolusi Kekuatan Rakyat.

wah...macam-macam ya ternyata kegunaan pita kuning alias Yellow ribbon tersebut.
Lumayan..nambah pangetahuan ni.

Yellowcard Band


Yellowcard is a band

Early years

Yellowcard was formed in 1997 in Jacksonville, Florida after meeting at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. The band released its first album, Midget Tossing, in 1997. The original members were vocalist Ben Dobson, guitarist/vocalist Todd Clary, bassist Warren Cooke, guitarist Ben Eric Harper, and drummer Longineu W. Parsons III ("LP"). While vocalist/violinist Sean Mackin was featured on some of the songs, he was not a full-fledged member yet, as he still objected to many of the band's messages.

Where We Stand, their second album, featured the same lineup as Midget Tossing, and Mackin was featured on more songs. Soon Ben Dobson lost interest in the band and left. He was replaced by Ryan Key (vocals and rhythm guitar), a Jacksonville local who was playing in a band called Craig's Brother. This changed the band's music style drastically, from hardcore punk to pop punk. It also changed most of their fan base, leaving them with a new beginning and a fresh start as a band.

In early 2000, the band recorded the Still Standing EP. Soon after Still Standing EP was released, Todd Clary left the band. Key then filled both Clary's and Dobson's duties, guitar and vocals respectively. After sending the new EP to friend Steve Lubarsky at Lobster Records, the band signed their first recording contract in June 2000 and by November had headed west to Camarillo, CA to begin working on another full length album.

The group released their third album, One for the Kids (Lobster Records), in 2001 and followed up with The Underdog EP (Fueled by Ramen Records) in 2002. Both of these were well-received by fans. However, soon after The Underdog EP was released, Warren Cooke left the band due to personal reasons. The band then asked an old friend, Peter Mosely from Inspection 12, to play bass for them. Before Warren Cooke left, the band filmed an unreleased music video for the song "Powder". The video was later put on the enhanced version of the band's next album, Ocean Avenue.

Ocean Avenue
Pete Mosely under the stage lights (April 2006).

Shortly after releasing The Underdog EP, Yellowcard signed with Capitol Records [2], which was looking to sign pop punk groups at the time. Yellowcard began recording their major-label debut in late 2002, and the production of the record was finished in the spring of that year. During the recording of Ocean Avenue, Mosely left, citing personal problems. The band again began the search for a new bass player and found Alex Lewis, whose sister, Alieke Wijnveldt, contributed vocals to the Ocean Avenue track, "View From Heaven".

The band released their first single from the album, "Way Away". The song did well on MTV2 and rock radio, peaking at #25 on the modern rock charts. It was also featured on the soundtrack to Madden 2004, and SSX 3. The song created enough buzz to cause the band's mainstream explosion. In the middle of the band's first headlining tour, Peter Mosely returned from his semi-retirement to ask if he could rejoin the band. Because Mosely had been an integral part of the writing for Ocean Avenue and had also been friends with most of the band's members since high school, Lewis was asked to leave, and Mosely was reinstated as the bass player.

In late 2003, the band released a single that became quite known, "Ocean Avenue". The song premiered on MTV's TRL program, and quickly shot up the charts to #1. Radio eventually picked up on the single, and the song made it to #37 on the Billboard Hot 100. Suddenly, Yellowcard was everywhere from the covers of Alternative Press, to headliners of the 2004 Warped Tour, to on stage at the 2004 MTV Video Music Awards, performing "Ocean Avenue". The band took home the MTV2 award as well. Yellowcard featured on an episode of MTV's Real World/Road Rules Challenge, performing "Way Away" while cast members trashed a mock hotel room in true rock star fashion. The album's first track, "Way Away" was appeared on the soundtracks of SSX 3 and Madden NFL 2004. The album's second track, "Breathing", also appeared in EA's Burnout 3: Takedown and FlatOut 2. Following "Ocean Avenue"'s success, the band released the single "Only One", a rock ballad which also did fairly well on TRL and radio. The Ocean Avenue album sold over one million copies in the US alone.

As Ocean Avenue's popularity began to decrease, the band spent some time contributing songs to various soundtracks. The first, "Gifts And Curses", appeared in the hit film Spider-Man 2. Another, a cover of Lagwagon's "Violins", was featured on Rock Against Bush, Vol. 2 compilation album. At the 2005 MTV Movie Awards, Yellowcard performed a cover of the song "Don't You (Forget About Me)" during a special tribute to the movie The Breakfast Club.

Lights and Sounds
Yellowcard performing in 2004.

After almost two years of touring, Yellowcard took a few months off at the beginning of 2005. Ryan Key and Peter Mosely moved to New York City to write the songs for their upcoming album. The rest of the band remained in Los Angeles. The band regrouped in LA in the spring and began pre-production for the follow up to Ocean Avenue in March. Recording and production was finished in September and advertising began for the album. The band had originally announced that the album was expected for August 2005, but production and other delays pushed the release date back several months.

In the months following, many problems had arisen between the band mates, mainly involving Ben Harper. Ryan Key has made many comments since then stating, "The fame went to their heads."[citation needed] After two months of court appearances,[citation needed] Ben left the band.[3] He was eventually replaced by Ryan Mendez from the band Staring Back. Up until the announcement of this, Harper's record label was about to record Staring Back's next album. After leaving Yellowcard, Ben Harper joined the band Amber Pacific, but he soon dropped out. Harper is now in the band Hey Mike! and runs Takeover Records in California.

Lights and Sounds was finally released on January 24, 2006.

A loose concept album, the theme centers around the band's negative feelings towards Los Angeles. Prior to the release of Lights and Sounds, Ryan Key said that this ambitious album would probably alienate a large portion of their fan base, and that he was 100 percent OK with that. 20 songs were recorded for the album, 14 of which are on the CD, plus a B-side available on import versions, CD singles, and at the iTunes Store, called "Three Flights Down". Lights and Sounds is also the only Yellowcard album to contain an instrumental track ("Three Flights Up").

The title track, "Lights and Sounds", was the first single, released a week before the album. It peaked at #4 on the Billboard Hot Modern Rock Tracks. It is also featured on the video games Burnout Revenge and Guitar Hero: Modern Hits. In its first week of release the album sold just over 90,000 copies, but it only went on to receive gold status. High first week sales are most likely the result of high anticipation of the album, as it was the follow-up to the highly-successful Ocean Avenue; low total sales backup Ryan's statement about the album being very ambitious and different in sound from Ocean Avenue. On May 6, 2006, the second and final single and video of the album, "Rough Landing, Holly", was released. The single wasn't as well received as the first, and after its first week of release it quickly dropped on the charts.

In May 2006, Ryan Key had surgery on his vocal cords done after having problems with his singing. He had started having problems in December 2005. He was mute for a week and couldn't sing for more than a month. The band, after canceling some shows and receiving some time off from touring, joined the Virgin Mega Tour for Summer 2006.

Paper Walls

On October 16, 2006, the band announced over their official website that they were back in the studio recording a new album. Guitarist Ryan Mendez posted on the official Yellowcard message board on October 21, 2006 that three songs had been completed and stated "I really think fans of both older and newer Yellowcard are going to be very happy." Pre-production began in October 2006 and tracking began on January 2007.

Between the months of January and March 2007, studio footage labeled "Yellowcard Sessions" regarding the band's progress on making the album was posted on the band's MySpace, with a new video added every Thursday. In total 10 videos have been posted, with additional footage released on the deluxe CD/DVD edition of Paper Walls. Additionally, in January 2007, some sample demo songs were released on the band's MySpace, though they were only rough recordings from preproduction and not the final recorded versions. The first demo was a 30 second preview of the iTunes bonus track, "Bombers", and the second was a clip of an unmixed version of "Light Up the Sky".

The first Yellowcard show since October 2006 took place on March 29, 2007, at the Troubadour in Hollywood, California. At the show lead singer Ryan Key announced to a sold out crowd that the new album would be titled Paper Walls. He said he would "probably get in trouble for [it]," but went on to announce the title anyway; Key also announced the album title during a concert at Southern Connecticut State University. During the Troubadour show, Yellowcard played two songs from their new album ("Fighting" and "The Takedown"). Yellowcard played an acoustic set the next night at the Troubadour and premiered two new songs, "Shadows and Regrets" and "Light Up the Sky".

In the teaser of an interview with Jason Tate of released on June 17 (one month before the release of the album), Key described the album as “ ...very much a record of hope and finding yourself again. It’s after you’ve come through all of that – going to the height of it – and picking yourself back up again. And by “hitting rock bottom” I don’t mean in record sales or fame or any of that shit. I mean personally – emotionally...Paper Walls is the story, the feeling, of what it’s like to be out of those holes, looking back, no regrets, but smarter and having grown through them. ”

The whole interview was released on July 17, the release date of the album.

Paper Walls was released in the U.S. on July 17 (July 16 on iTunes) in an additional CD/DVD format, as Lights and Sounds was the previous year. The DVD contains exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the band, an extensive photo gallery and two additional live bonus tracks.[5] On July 9, Yellowcard released Paper Walls on their Myspace music player to give fans a taste of what was to come on the new album. Yellowcard announced on May 15 on their MySpace blog that the first single would be "Light Up the Sky". This song was released to iTunes and radio on June 5. Soon after its release, Paper Walls became the second most popular album on iTunes and the most popular album in the alternative section. In June 2007, Yellowcard was voted to do AOL Sessions Under Cover. It was released on July 20, and it featured two songs from Paper Walls. The album debuted at #13 on the U.S. Billboard 200 selling about 40,000 copies in its first week.

Yellowcard has been promoting their new album nonstop since its release and has started touring for Paper Walls. They supported Blue October in their United States 2007 fall tour and also supported Linkin Park in Japan in November/December 2007. While touring for Paper Walls, Peter Mosely announced in a MySpace blog message that he would be leaving Yellowcard to pursue other endeavors. The band has not yet made any long-term decisions, but Josh Portman from the band Near Miss is acting as stand-in bass player at present.

The band canceled several European shows in January due to drummer Longineu Parsons taking a couple months off. He spent the time with his grandmother in Jacksonville, FL who raised him and whose health was failing. On January 7 Yellowcard went to the Middle East to do a USO tour. They went to Kuwait, but as originally planned, couldn't get into Iraq because of the president arriving and canceling all flights there.Yellowcard was originally scheduled to headline a spring tour with All Time Low, but All Time Low dropped out to take part in the Alternative Press spring tour. They were then replaced by MxPx, who canceled a few weeks later. Yellowcard then went on an acoustic tour with The Spill Canvas, Secondhand Serenade, PlayRadioPlay!, and Treaty of Paris. Yellowcard released a live album, exclusive to iTunes, on January 22, 2008. It is titled Live from Las Vegas at the Palms and was recorded during their Blue October Tour in October 2007 in Las Vegas.

Indefinite Hiatus

Yellowcard announced an interview in April 2008 that they would be going on an "indefinite hiatus." Their European tour set for 2008 was canceled, so the band decided to embark on an acoustic tour in the spring of 2008 before taking a break.

Another reason for the band's hiatus was individual member situations. LP took some time off in the winter to spend time with family; he is now part of a side project band based in Jacksonville, FL. Sean is due to get married this year, and he wanted to take some time off to spend with his family. Ryan Key stated that the members needed some time to figure out their personal lives. The band does not know how long the hiatus will be, but they have assured their fans that they are not breaking up, just taking some time off. Also, as of May 2008, Yellowcard has left Capitol Records and is now unsigned.

The original Yellowcard lineup from 1997 featuring Ben Harper, Warren Cooke, Todd Clary, Longineu Parsons and Ben Dobson announced they would be performing tracks from Where We Stand in Jacksonville, Florida.

Yellowcard announced on their MySpace page that they would be performing their first show in months at Utah State University on September 30, 2008. It was an acoustic set much like that of their recent tour performed by Ryan Key, Ryan Mendez, and Sean Mackin, featuring songs from their entire discography. The band later announced on their MySpace page that they would be having another acoustic performance at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana on November 13.

In early January 2009, it was rumored that Longineu Parsons had joined the band Lostprophets to fill in a gap left when their drummer left to join Nine Inch Nails. However, Lostprophets bassist Stuart Richardson and Parsons himself have stated that these reports are untrue.

On June 9, 2009, the Nintendo DS video game "Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits" was released in stores with the band's song, "Lights and Sounds", as a playable track.

On June 16, 2009, Capitol released an EP titled "Deep Cuts", which consists of four previously-released tracks.[citation needed]

On December 22, 2009, Guitar Hero: Van Halen will release in stores for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and Wii with the band's song, "The Takedown", as a playable track.

"Ocean Avenue" has been confirmed to be included in Band Hero coming out for Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Wii and also Xbox 360.
Big If
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In January 2009, Ryan Key announced that he has started Big If, a side project band with Sean O'Donnell, of pop rock band Reeve Oliver. The band released eight demos on their Myspace, entitled "Triple Please", "When", "Bug Light", "Bunny and Me", "Always Almost", "Hang You Up", "Red Carpets", and "You Went Gold". Big If also posted short videos of on their Myspace, giving fans an inside look of a musical artist's recording sessions. The band hopes to release their debut album in late 2009. Despite Big If, Yellowcard insists that it has not broken up, and that in the future, the band may reunite.

On August 24, 2009, Ryan Key stated on Twitter, that he was in the studio recording guitar tracks for Big If. He also revealed that Ryan Mendez from Yellowcard is producing and providing the lead guitar on the Big If song demos.

On September 14, 2009, Ryan and Sean made a MySpace blog post that revealed that the duty of lead guitar has been bestowed upon their friend Joshua Portman, previously of Near Miss (band).

On September 28, 2009, Big If released 2 new songs on their MySpace page: "Monster", "Empty Street", and a new version of "Hang You Up".

  • Ryan Key – vocals, guitar
  • Peter Mosely – bass
  • Sean Mackin – violin, vocals
  • Ryan Mendez – guitar
  • Longineu Parsons III -- drums
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